Dec 31, 2004
Welcome to the show it is Dec 31 and todays show will be about how to podcast I will talk about putting together a MP3 and then more importantly about putting together a RSS xml file
Nov 27, 2004
Here are a few select Interviews from the past:
Quincy Jones - Ep 210
Ronald Moore - Executive Producer of BattleStar Galactica
Larry Kudlow
Phil Gordon Interview
Michael Arrington
Oct 5, 2004
Two check marks on my 13 year old selfs bucket list. Become a Jedi and Marry Princess Leia.
Oct 4, 2004
The following is a list of
directories focused on Audio and Video Podcasts - That do not
charge for you to be listed - Links for the most part take you
directly to the submit page.
Note: Never pay to have your
podcast listed in a directory - it is not worth it and you will not
get any Return on your Investment. Please...